Lines of Enquiry

An Adult Learning Shetland Workshop

When & Where: 1400 - 1530, Saturday 3rd, 10th or 17th October 2020 | Online via Zoom

Booking: Through Adult Learning Shetland

Tomorrow will be the first ‘Lines of Enquiry’ online workshop!

This interactive session will introduce learners to some fundamentals such as line, shape and composition, allowing participants to sharpen their observational skills and translate what they see to the page. The session will be delivered live via Zoom, with ‘draw along’ demonstration videos and also examples of artists’ work included to inspire us (such as this beautiful work by Hokusai, below).

We will try a range of approaches to draw a selection of objects and natural forms, giving us the confidence to use drawing not only to make quick sketches, but also as a way of inquiring about the world around and questioning what the eye sees. Whether participants found a renewed interest in drawing and art over lockdown, or wish to develop their observational skills for other reasons, or simply wish to enjoy time being creative and ‘thinking on paper’, this online class intends to explore drawing as a way of ‘learning to see’.

‘Quick Lessons in Simplified Drawing’, a drawing manual.

Katsushika Hokusai, 1823. Image credit:

WorkshopsAimee Labourne